Deals of each Day!

  • Sunday- Free joint, Top Shelf 1/8th at $25, Mid Shelf 1/4, 1/2 and Oz at discounted prices, Premium Shelf Half off


  • Monday- $2 off Mad Hatter, Gold at $20, Mid Shelf 1/8th, 1/4, 1/2 and Oz at discounted prices. Premium Shelf Half off


  • Tuesday- $2 off $8 Edibles, $10 off any OZ above $85


  • Wednesday- $2 off All Concentrates- Capsules, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Rosin, RSO, Clear, Diamonds, Dab woods, Carts, Micro bars, Metallic Micro Bars and Capsule Carts


  • Thursday- $2 off Preloaded Cartridges (excludes top specialty carts),Top shelf 1/8th at $25. (Premium not included)


  • Friday- Free Joint with order, Top shelf 1/8th at $25 (Premium not included), Gold at $20, Top Shelf OZ. @ $150, Mid shelf OZ. @ 120


  • Saturday- $2 off All Concentrates- Capsules, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Rosin, RSO, Clear, Diamonds, Dab woods, Carts, Micro bars, Metallic Micro Bars and Capsule Carts, Top Shelf OZ. @ $150, Mid shelf OZ. @ 120

"Reefer" a Friend: Get a Free gram of Mid-Shelf Flower, $5 edible or Bronze oil!!!

Welcome to TCG Tacoma

Please make sure to look at our deals and explanation of how everything is priced.  This is just a menu, you will still need to text or call to get an order.

Flower prices are listed for 1/8th

Please look at the description for the prices of other quantities.

Get your self some🔥🔥🔥